- A Summary report is generated for every completed learning package review. These reports are made available to reviewers in their respective dashboards under Combined Reviews -> Completed.
- The Combined Assessment Summary Report displays the learning package details; assessment date; detailed set of scores at the success indicator level; the eligible badges for each domain and an overall badge for which the course is eligible along with all combined review scores.
- Reports are emailed to the Course Submitter via the TELAS email notification system.
- Reports are not generated when the Reviewers are unable to agree on one or more scores during a Combined Assessment. In this case, the course assessment is marked “Pending” and referred to the TELAS Administrator and to a third reviewer for completion.
- If a learning package fails to meet the minimum score for badge eligibility or the institution wants to gain a badge at a higher level, the institution can consider the feedback and resubmit within eight weeks to undertake a second review.
- Where applicable, the TELAS Administrator issues a Course Accreditation Certificate to the institution via the Course Submitter.
How to use a Course Assessment Form
- Assessment form layout: The assessment form is divided into separate pages to make the screen layout of forms more user friendly. When you open an assessment form, you will find a Course Details Summary panel displayed at the top of the page displaying the course name and other important information. View this diagram to see the page layout. Assessment forms contain the following hierarchy of elements:
– Standards: There are 8 standards in the form – two for each of the four domains.
– Performance Criteria: Each standard contains a number of performance criteria.
– Success indicators: Each performance criteria contains a number of success indicators.
– Measure of Performance: the individual score for each success indicator.
– Overall Score: the summary score for each performance criteria.
– Comments: available at the end of each standard. - Scoring an assessment: As you can see from the diagram, each page on the assessment form displays several Performance Criteria. The Success Indicators for each Performance Criteria are displayed by selecting the dropdown arrow visible on the left of each Performance Criteria. Performance Criteria that are underlined are the ones requiring your input. You then score each Success Indicator by selecting one of four choices – Yes, Yes But, No But or No. Selected scores are colour coded when clicked. The “Overall” score is selected by the First and Second Reviewers in their combined review.
- Admin Reviewer scores: These scores are displayed in dark grey to differentiate them from First and Second Reviewer scores which are marked in blue. First and Second Reviewers cannot edit Admin Reviewer’s scores.
- Page navigation: Navigation buttons are displayed at the bottom of each page, including Back and Next. Once Standard 8 is displayed, you will see Save and Mark Complete. To cancel an assessment, simply exit the page without saving in which case all input will be lost. Selecting Save allows you to continue your assessment at a later stage.
- Progress bar: The assessment form has a progress bar to indicate which standard you have completed. If the assessment displays less than 100% at the end of your assessment, visible on the standards row above the assessment, it means you have missed one or more scores. Missed scores are identified by the X symbol in a circle on the the standards row. Select that Standard with the X and then drill-down to identify the performance criteria that has not been scored, which is also displayed with an X next to the criteria description.
- Reviewer comments: A comment field is available at the end of each standard in the form. A prefix user type identifier is automatically added to each comment once the assessment is saved so that each reviewer may recognise who made the comments, i.e. [Admin-Reviewer], [First Reviewer] or [Second Reviewer]. Names are not added, only the reviewer type. Please reference your comments with the success indicator number on which you are commenting and close each comment by using [space + space + enter] to create a new line for your next comment.
- Saving assessments: Assessments can be saved at any point and you are able to return later to complete the assessment. Once complete, the reviewer must select Mark Complete.
Certified Reviewer Emails
- Certain actions by users in TELAS trigger auto generated emails to users. Many of these emails contain details of assigned courses and instructions for conducting reviews.
- As a Certified Reviewer, you can expect to receive the following emails:
- An email to confirm your registration as a TELAS user.
- An email whenever you are assigned a course to assess.
- If you are the First Reviewer, you will receive an email asking you to contact the Second Reviewer to arrange an online meeting to conduct a Combined Review. If you are the Second Reviewer, you will be contacted by the First Reviewer once you have completed your individual assessment.
- Emails are sent to the email you submitted in your User Profile.
- All emails to users are sent from admin@telas.edu.au and subject lines are preceded by the word [TELAS].
How to conduct a Combined Assessment
The Combined Assessment is undertaken by both the First and Second Reviewer in an online meeting or face-to-face. In most cases, these meetings will be conducted online using separate workstations with both reviewers logged in to TELAS. As the lead reviewer, the First Reviewer is responsible for entering scores for the Combined Assessment in consultation with the Second Reviewer during the online meeting.
- Self-Assessment reports: You will be emailed a copy of the institution’s Self-Assessment report if one has been submitted. You are asked to comment on any significant differences between your combined assessment results and those of the institution. Be sure to review the report before completing your combined assessment. Note that the institution’s self-assessment will have been conducted using a hard copy of the TELAS Framework.
- First and Second Reviewer roles: As the lead reviewer, it is the First Reviewer’s responsibility to enter combined assessment scores in consultation with the Second Reviewer. For this reason, the Second Reviewer has read-only access to the form during the combined assessment.
- Combined Assessment Form Layout: The combined assessment form has a similar layout to individual assessment forms. For your convenience, the form is pre-populated with all scores from your individual assessments. These scores are displayed side by side next to a new combined score selector which the First Reviewer must enter in consultation with the Second Reviewer. In addition, you both must also select an Overall score for each performance criteria. Where the Admin Reviewer has selected certain scores in their review, these will also be displayed but cannot be edited. View this example to see the form layout.
- Suggested workflow: From your dashboard, select Combined Reviews -> Assigned -> Course Title -> Combined Assessment to commence your assessment. Combined reviews are likely to be conducted using zoom or some other online meeting tool where the lead reviewer (First Reviewer) shares their screen with the Second Reviewer and together they scroll through the assessment form to select a combined reviewer score for each success indicator and an Overall score for each performance criteria. The First Reviewer must also enter any comments agreed to by both reviewers. As with individual assessments, the progress bar is displayed as you progress through the assessment, alerting you to any success indicators you may have missed.
- Combined reviewer comments: The combined assessment form is pre-populated with Admin Reviewer, First Reviewer and Second Reviewer comments and a blank combined review comments section to be used in the combined review. Combined reviewer comments are provided to the institution in their assessment report while earlier individual assessment comments are excluded from these reports. Please reference your comments with the success indicator number on which you are commenting and close each comment by using [space + space + enter] to create a new line for your next comment.
- Closing an assessment: On the final page of the assessment form you will see three options:
– Pending is selected in the event that the First and Second Reviewers fail to agree on one or more success indicators. Refer to the additional instructions below if you need to use pending in your combined review.
– Save is selected if the assessment is incomplete and a subsequent meeting is required to continue with the assessment.
– Mark Complete indicates you have completed the assessment. This option will only be available if all scores have been selected. If this option is selected, a Combined Assessment Summary Report will be generated showing your combined assessment scores and the level of eligibility for course accreditation. - Additional instructions regarding pending assessments: The course assessment Pending option is selected when the assessment is intentionally incomplete and must be referred to the TELAS Administrator because the First and Second Reviewers have failed to agree on the scores for one or more success indicators. If this happens, the First Reviewer must do three things prior to saving the assessment:
(1) Select Unmark for the success indicator(s) in question.
(2) Add a comment below the relevant Performance Criteria describing each reviewer’s different positions on the indicator(s).
(3) Select Pending to save and close the assessment which will then be referred to a third reviewer to finalize the review. - Summary Reports: Once a Combined Assessment is completed and saved, the First and Second Reviewers will find a Combined Assessment Summary Report in their respective dashboards under Combined Reviews -> Course Title -> Completed. The Summary Report is also emailed to the institution’s Course Submitter and this report signals the end of the course assessment process, with the exception of a Course Accreditation Certificate being issued. View a sample of the report here.
Certified Reviewer Dashboard
- As a Certified Reviewer, you have access to a user dashboard that lists any and all courses they have been assigned to you along with the status of each course assessment.
- Your user dashboard is only populated when a course assessment has been assigned to you.
- Your individual course assessments are accessed from the Assessments tab in the sidebar under either Assigned, In-Progress or Completed depending on the stage you are at in the assessment.
- New courses that have been assigned to you are accessed from the sidebar under Assessments -> Assigned.
- Course assessments that you have partially completed are accessed from the sidebar under Assessments -> In-Progress.
- Course Assessments that you have completed are accessed from the sidebar under Assessments -> Completed.
- The Combined Review tab has six tabs:
– Assigned, In-Progress and Completed tabs that reflect the status of each Combined Assessment.
– Comparative tab that displays the First and Second Reviewer course assessment scores side by side. This view may be referred to during a Combined Assessment to compare the two reviewer scores. It is only made available once the First and Second Reviewers have both completed their respective assessments.
– Summaries tab displays Combined Assessment Summary Reports with eligible badges.
– Accredited tab displays a list of the courses that you have assessed and which have been accredited.
Certified Reviewer Workflow
- Certified Reviewers are assigned learning packages to review by the TELAS Administrator.
- Before commencing an assessment, you will need to enrol in the course and verify that you have access to the institution’s learning package. The guest login details for the course will be included in the email that you receive which assigns you the course (unless alternative arrangements are required to provide you access).
- The TELAS Administrator will assign courses to you by email as either a First Reviewer or Second Reviewer and you are asked to complete any assigned reviews within a reasonable time frame.
- If you are unable to review an assigned learning package you should reply to the administrator as soon as possible so that an alternative reviewer may be assigned.
- You are deemed to have accepted an assignment unless you reply to your notification email and inform the TELAS Administrator that you are unable to accept the assignment.
- An Admin Review will be completed prior to the learning package being assigned to a Certified Reviewer. You cannot edit the success indicators (scores) in a course reviewed by the Admin Reviewer. However, you are expected to select an Overall score for all Performance Criteria in the assessment, including those where the Admin Reviewer has entered success indicator scores.
- Your completed assessment reports are displayed in your user dashboard where they are available for printing.
- Certified Reviewers complete individual assessments of the learning package and then undertake a Combined Assessment of the learning package.
- The First Reviewer is designated as the lead reviewer with responsibility for ensuring all of the designated review tasks are completed.
- If you are the First Reviewer, you will be provided with the contact details of the Second Reviewer once you have both completed your individual assessments. This is so you may contact the Second Reviewer to schedule a combined assessment.
Interim Reviewer Guidelines
Interim Reviewer requirements
As an Interim Reviewer you are required to complete several test assessments to a satisfactory standard before the TELAS Administrator can change your user role to that of a Certified Reviewer.
Your test assessments are evaluated against a benchmarked review of the same course.
Guidelines for conducting Test Assessments
- When you have been approved as an Interim Reviewer, you may login to complete the test assessments which you will find in your user dashboard.
- As an Interim Reviewer you are assigned course reviews by the TELAS Administrator by email with the expectation that you will be able to complete the assigned reviews as soon as possible.
- Please contact the TELAS Administrator if you are unable to complete the assignments in a reasonable time frame.
- You are deemed to have accepted an assignment unless you reply to your notification email and inform the TELAS Administrator that you are unable to accept the assignment.
- The TELAS system records the assigned and completed dates for all assessments.
- Admin reviews are always completed prior to you assessing the courses assigned to you. You cannot edit those components of a course that have been assessed by the Admin Reviewer. However, you will be required to select the summary totals for each standard in the assessment.
- Your completed test assessments are displayed in your user dashboard.
- Once your reviews are complete, they will be evaluated by TELAS and if you have achieved an adequate score, the TELAS Administrator will be notified and your role will be changed from Interim Reviewer to Certified Reviewer.
- You will be notified by email of the results of your assessments and the change in role to Certified Reviewer.
- Before commencing an assessment, you will need to enroll in the course and verify that you have access to the learning package. The guest login details for the course will be included in the email that you receive which assigns you the course unless alternative arrangements are required to provide you with access to the course.
Your user dashboard
- Once you are registered as an Interim Reviewer, you will have access to a user dashboard that lists any and all courses they have been assigned to you.
- Your user dashboard is only populated when a course assessment has been commenced.
- Courses that have been assigned to you will be listed in the assigned tab. If you partially complete an assessment and save it, you will find it later listed under the “in-progress” tab. Assessments that you mark as completed will be displayed under the completed tab.
- Dashboard lists are dynamic and change according to the data input by users in their online sessions.
How your status as an Interim Reviewer is changed to a Certified Reviewer
- You will receive an email notification once you have completed your test assessments and been approved as a Certified Reviewer.
- Once your TELAS role has changed to Certified Reviewer, your next login will direct you to a Certified Reviewer’s dashboard which has additional tabs that were not available to you as an Interim Reviewer. At that point you may refer to the Help section for details on how to proceed as a Certified Reviewer.
Email notifications
- Certain actions by users in TELAS trigger auto generated emails to users. As an Interim Reviewer, you receive an email confirmation when registering and you can expect to receive an email when a course is assigned to you for assessment. You will also receive an email if and when your roles changes to that of a Certified Reviewer.
- Emails are sent to the email address you submitted in your User Profile.
- All emails to users are sent from admin@telas.edu.au and subject lines are preceded by the word [TELAS].
Admin Reviewer Guidelines
The role of an Admin Reviewer is to assess the measures of performance related to the administrative components of a course. Admin reviews are always completed prior to a course being assigned to an Interim or Certified Reviewer.
- Before commencing an assessment, you will need to enroll in the course and verify that you have access to the learning package. The guest login details for the course will be included in the email that you receive which assigns you the course.
- As an Admin Reviewer you are assigned course reviews by the TELAS Administrator by email with the expectation that you will be able to complete the assigned review within a reasonable timeframe. Please contact the TELAS Administrator immediately if you are unlikely to be able to do this.
- You are deemed to have accepted an assignment unless you reply to your notification email and inform the TELAS Administrator that you are unable to accept the assignment.
- Admin reviews are always completed prior to a course being assigned to an Interim or Certified Reviewer. Once you have completed your review, the TELAS Administrator will assign the course to the next Reviewer.
- As an Admin Reviewer, you can assess courses from any institution assigned by the TELAS Administrator.
How to use a course Assessment Form
- You only need to assess those Performance Criteria that are underlined.
- First and Second Reviewers will see your Success Indicator scores in dark grey to differentiate them from their own scores which are marked in blue.
- First and Second Reviewers cannot edit your scores.
- You are not required to select the “Overall” scores for each Standard. These are made available to the First and Second Reviewers in their combined review session where they will select each overall score.
- You will find further details on how to use a course assessment form here.
Your user dashboard
- Once you are registered as an Admin Reviewer, you will have access to a user dashboard that lists any and all courses they have been assigned to you.
- Your course assessments are displayed in your dashboard as either assigned, in-progress or completed. If you partially complete an assessment and save it, you will find it later listed under the “in-progress” tab.
- Dashboard lists are dynamic and change according to the data input by users in their online sessions.
Email notifications
- Certain actions by users in TELAS trigger auto generated emails to users. As an Admin Reviewer, you receive an email confirmation when registering and you can expect to receive an email when a course is assigned to you for assessment.
- Emails are sent to the email address you submitted in your User Profile and the TELAS administrator is copied in on all auto generated emails to users.
- All TELAS emails to users are sent from admin@telas.edu.au and the subject line always contains the word [TELAS] so that you may easily recognise them.
Course Submitter Guidelines
Prior to submitting your learning package for review, you should already have completed the Prerequisites Form and uploaded your completed self-assessment of the learning package and organised student access details (login credentials) for the TELAS reviewers. If you have not done so, please complete these steps at your earliest convenience and then submit the learning package for review.
Completing the Course Submissions Form
- Completing a Course Submissions Form indicates you are ready to submit the learning package for review. The information you enter in the form will provide the context for Reviewers during their assessment process.
- Once the form has been submitted, the details are automatically linked to course assessment forms for the duration of the assessment workflow and displayed above assessment forms for Reviewers.
- Course Submitters cannot submit courses for institutions other than their own (which will be the institution you entered in your User Profile).
- In the Submit for Accreditation field on the form, please select Formal Review since the other options do not apply.
- You will receive an email with a copy of the course details you submitted and you will also receive copies of the assessment reports once the review is complete.
- You will also be emailed a Course Accreditation Certificate if eligible; provided the institution has paid the applicable fee.
- When the assessment results are insufficient to achieve TELAS course accreditation, your institution may use the assessment reports to re-evaluate and modify elements of the course and resubmit the course at a later date for re-assessment.
- The TELAS decision and those of TELAS Certified Reviewers are final regarding the course assessment results.
Your user dashboard
- When you login to TELAS, you will have access to a user dashboard. Dashboard lists are dynamic and change according to the data you input.
- Your user dashboard will list all the courses you have submitted, including any courses submitted by others at your institution.
- Your dashboard will display completed assessment reports for learning packages submitted by your institution.
- Your dashboard will allow you to print completed assessment reports.
Email notifications
- Certain actions by users in TELAS trigger auto generated emails to users.
- Emails are sent to the email address you submitted in your User Profile.
- All emails to users are sent from admin@telas.edu.au and subject lines are preceded by the word [TELAS].