As a Certified Reviewer, you have access to a user dashboard that lists any and all courses they have been assigned to you along with the status of each course assessment.
Your user dashboard is only populated when a course assessment has been assigned to you.
Your individual course assessments are accessed from the Assessments tab in the sidebar under either Assigned, In-Progress or Completed depending on the stage you are at in the assessment.
New courses that have been assigned to you are accessed from the sidebar under Assessments -> Assigned.
Course assessments that you have partially completed are accessed from the sidebar under Assessments -> In-Progress.
Course Assessments that you have completed are accessed from the sidebar under Assessments -> Completed.
The Combined Review tab has six tabs: – Assigned, In-Progress and Completed tabs that reflect the status of each Combined Assessment. – Comparative tab that displays the First and Second Reviewer course assessment scores side by side. This view may be referred to during a Combined Assessment to compare the two reviewer scores. It is only made available once the First and Second Reviewers have both completed their respective assessments. – Summaries tab displays Combined Assessment Summary Reports with eligible badges. – Accredited tab displays a list of the courses that you have assessed and which have been accredited.