TELAS Reviewer Certification Workshops


The face to face Reviewer Certification Workshop is a full-day workshop for those who wish to become TELAS Certified Reviewers.  However the online version of workshop is split across two half days to help with “zoom fatigue”.  Participants will be required to perform pre-work and undertake follow-up reviews to become certified.

The aim of the workshop is to:

  1. Raise awareness of good practices in the design of quality online learning, as rationalized in the TELAS Framework.
  2. Introduce individuals to the affordances for quality online learning design, against the TELAS Framework measures.
  3. Learn how to moderate the assessment of online learning design against the TELAS Framework measures and develop a consistent understanding of how this assessment could be measured so that reliable benchmarking and comparison of performance could be broadly applied.
  4. Encourage recognition of exemplary practice in the design of quality online learning.
  5. Develop knowledge and skills in the use of resources and infrastructure that is required to support the formal accreditation process.
  6. Create a network of champions to promote and progress this initiative.

Workshop Dates and Times

Below are 2024 TELAS Reviewer Certification workshop dates and times.

Date and time Registration
Online: 29 Feb and 1 March (10am – 1.30pm AEST both days) CLOSED
12th April (University of Sydney) CLOSED
Online: June 6 and 7 (10am – 1.30pm AEST both days) CLOSED
Online: Aug 1 and 2 (10am – 1.30pm AEST both days) CLOSED

Workshop Fees

The cost of Reviewer Certification Workshops is:

  • In-person: $385 (incl GST) for members and $535 (incl GST) for non-members*
  • Online: $275 (incl GST) for members and $425 (incl GST) for non-members*

The non-member fee includes a 12 month membership in ASCILITE.  Further details including workshop pre-work and a calendar invite are provided after registering.  Payment may be made online (incurs transaction fee) or you may opt to be invoiced.

*If you work at a university that has a Diamond membership in ASCILITE and you are not yet a member of ASCILITE, please visit this page to see if your institution has a Diamond Membership. If it is listed as a Diamond Member, complete the invitation to join at no cost.  Once you’ve done that, you should select the “Yes – Institutional” option in the “Are you an ASCILITE member” question

Reviewer Certification

The fee to become a certified reviewer is $275 (inc GST) and this can be paid at the same time as you register for a workshop or at a later date using the enrolment form provided below. Please note that you must attend a TELAS Reviewer Certification workshop before you can enrol to become a TELAS reviewer.

There is no obligation to become a certified reviewer when attending a reviewer workshop.  However, if you choose to become certified, you can expect to recoup your certification fee from your first review assignment.  Please keep in mind that review opportunities are subject to institutional demand.

Enrol to become a Certified Reviewer

You may enrol to become a certified reviewer if you did not previously pay for certification with your workshop registration.  Once you have enrolled, you will be contacted about the process involved in becoming certified which includes completing several test reviews.

Reviewer Certification Enrolment Form.